Luiza Crosman
Geboren in 1987, Rio de Janeiro (Brazilië). ” template=”/home/clients/bce9e5b5fcb7542069f5142d89fa488a/web/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/ngglegacy/view/gallery-carousel.php” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″]Luiza Crosman’s research frame “The future doesn’t proceed through a single line”. investigates drawing practices that can generate new or different possibilities in a given situation and comprises her interests as an artist: drawing practices, production of context, modes of circulation and subjective agency. […]
Geboren in 1987, Rio de Janeiro (Brazilië).
Luiza Crosman’s research frame “The future doesn’t proceed through a single line”. investigates drawing practices that can generate new or different possibilities in a given situation and comprises her interests as an artist: drawing practices, production of context, modes of circulation and subjective agency. She works in a variety of mediums – such as videos, conceptual drawing notebooks, participatory one-on-one drawing sessions, workshops, and especially writing – as a way to complexify the notion of drawing as a performative tool capable of informing the reality of the world around us by creating and obeying its own visual and topological one. It is also seen as a tool for thinking on current contemporary issues and narratives, fiction or not, through a simultaneous visual processing, instead of a chronological discursive one. Luiza Crosman is currently focused on visual concepts surrounding the imagination and speculation of spaces and places – such as the grid – to virtually envision spaces yet to come. ---